The Spanish Forum

April 10, 2019
Edificio Metrópolis de Madrid

Cruce de caminos

El edificio Metrópoli en Madrid se encuentra en la intersección entre la calle Alcalá y la Gran Vía. Fue inaugurado en 1911. Posiblemente es el edificio […]
April 2, 2019
B2 - Estructuras enfáticas

Estructuras enfáticas con el verbo “ser”

February 5, 2019
"Se" en oraciones impersonales en español

“Se” en oraciones impersonales

January 31, 2019

“Se” en oraciones de pasiva refleja

January 25, 2019
Dos casos de oraciones impersonales en español

Dos casos de oraciones impersonales en español

December 18, 2018

How can your native language shape the way you think?

Humans are endowed by nature with the ability to communicate using language, with the gift of issuing sounds that form words and messages that the recipient […]
December 13, 2018
Videolessons ser estar tener haber el retiro

Ser / Estar / Tener / Haber (en el parque del Retiro)

December 3, 2018
what are the main difficulties in learning spanish

What are the difficulties in learning Spanish?

When a student starts learning our language for the first time, many doubts arise. Will Spanish be very difficult for me? How much time will I […]
November 26, 2018
Embutidos en un mercado de Ávila

Embutidos en un mercado de Ávila

Llamamos embutido a cualquier pieza de carne picada condimentada con hierbas y especias y que es introducida en la piel de tripa de un cerdo. Su forma de […]
November 20, 2018
Spanish Christmas cooking classes in Madrid

Spanish Christmas cooking classes in Madrid

Christmas is just around the corner, and we love this time of the year when people meet around the table to enjoy a lovely meal in […]
September 14, 2018
Contra las cuerdas / Con las espadas en alto

Contra las cuerdas / Con las espadas en alto

El periódico es una fuente inagotable para aprender español. La prensa escrita no solo ayuda a conocer vocabulario de múltiples temas de actualidad, sino que también […]
July 6, 2018
learn how to make a spanish omelette tortilla de patatas learn spanish in madrid

Let’s cook!

The students in our Spanish courses in Madrid love this teaching activity. Not only is it useful to strengthen Spanish vocabulary, it also shows a fun and […]
July 2, 2018
calle de las hileras madrid learn spanish

Calle de las Hileras

¿A qué debe su nombre la calle de las Hileras de Madrid?   Como primera teoría pensamos que esta calle reunía en el pasado al gremio […]
June 29, 2018
Spanish language and dance learn Spanish in Madrid and learn how to dance

Spanish language and dance, a course for mind and body

It is well known that Spanish learning increases brain health, improves focus and re-invigorates the hearing system. It is also widespread that dancing is one of […]
May 22, 2018
Prepositions in Spanish and verbs of movement Spanish grammar exercise

Prepositions in Spanish and verbs of movement

Level: A1.2/A2 Author: Pilar González Manjavacas Grammar exercise: Prepositions in Spanish and verbs of movement This grammar exercise will help you understand some basic prepositions in […]
May 13, 2018
madrid summer in madrid to learn spanish in madrid spanish lessons

Summer in Madrid

Tourism and language learning are not incompatible! A new period of the year has arrived, with a more pleasant weather and longer days, and that means […]
May 12, 2018
chocolatería san gines madrid spanish learning with churros

San Ginés

“Al fondo del pasadizo de San Ginés, se puede ver el luminoso de la chocolatería más popular de Madrid, abierta desde 1894. Su fama empezó cuando la gente se acostumbró a […]
May 10, 2018
pronuntiation of g in Spanish Spanish alphabet grammar exercises

Pronunciation of G in Spanish

Previously we saw, when we explained the Spanish alphabet, that each Spanish letter equals just one sound, except for some letters that change their sound based on the vowel […]
May 5, 2018
pronunciation of C in Spanish alphabet

Pronunciation of C in Spanish

In the previous post on the Spanish alphabet, we saw that most of the letters of the Spanish alphabet have only one pronunciation (one letter equals […]
May 2, 2018
the spanish alphabet in spanish

The Spanish alphabet

The Spanish alphabet has 27 letters (that is, one more than English, German, or French, and six more than Italian), which are  a, b, c, d, […]