The Spanish Forum

February 2, 2017
Spanish regular present tense -ar

Spanish regular present tense (-AR)

In order to speak about events in Spanish, one must know how to conjugate the verbs. In Spanish, the verbs are grouped in three categories: the […]
January 28, 2017

Olga aprendiendo español con Pilar en Tilde

Nuestros estudiantes en la Escuela de Español TILDE reciben un trato personalizado. Queremos que quienes nos visitan se sientan como en su propia casa y se […]
January 25, 2017
Spanish courses for adults in Madrid

Spanish courses for adults. Too old to learn?

Are you thinking about learning Spanish but you think you are too old to learn a new language? Do not hold back, it is never too […]
January 20, 2017

Gotas cayendo del hielo

(Las) Gotas = drops. (El) Hielo = ice Caer = to fall. Cayendo: gerundio irregular del verbo “caer”.
January 19, 2017

Los números árabes

January 18, 2017

Puerta del Sol se despierta

La Puerta del Sol es la plaza más céntrica de Madrid. Siempre la encontraréis llena de gente que va y viene excepto a primera hora de […]
January 17, 2017
Spanish irregular present tense g Spanish grammar exercise

Spanish irregular present tense (G)

There are many kinds of Spanish irregular present tense. Some of them change the ending of the verb in the conjugation, while others change some letters of […]
January 16, 2017

Una araña madrileña

Practica tus eñes. Repite: “Una araña madrileña, ¿de campaña tan pequeña?” – Araña = spider. – Madrileña = from Madrid. – De campaña = on a […]
January 16, 2017

Presente irregular: E > IE

January 13, 2017
Verbos presente irregular e-i

Presente irregular: E > I

January 12, 2017

Entrada prohibida a animales de montura

“Se prohíbe circular a caballo por la autopista”. Esta señal se encuentra en una entrada a la autopista de La Coruña. Al fondo se divisa la […]
January 10, 2017
Spanish School in Madrid Tilde

Discover Tilde, our Spanish school in Madrid

When we opened Tilde Madrid, our Spanish school, six years ago, we were determined to create a different school, a center specializing in Spanish teaching focused […]
December 29, 2016

El verbo gustar

December 24, 2016

Las velas adornan la mesa en la cena de Nochebuena

(Las ) Velas = Candles. (La) Nochebuena= Christmas’ Eve Adornar = to decorate, to embellish. Presente de Indicativo del verbo ADORNAR: Yo adorno Tú adornas Él/ella/usted […]
December 23, 2016

¿Qué se despacha en este local?

Este es un local curioso. Parece ser una tienda de vinos, quesos y fiambres a la que hayan convertido en bar, porque sirven en la “barra […]
December 21, 2016
Useful expressions with "por" in Spanish with English translation

Useful Spanish expressions with por (with English translation)

If you study Spanish, you have surely found the preposition por in the texts you read. It can be a preposition of cause (meaning “because of”), […]
December 20, 2016

La danza del agua

Los chorros de agua, como congregados en aquelarre, bailan en la noche madrileña. Aquelarre (del vasco aquelarre, prado del macho cabrío). 1. m. Junta o reunión […]
December 16, 2016
spanish grammar exercises spanish irregular present tense c cz

Spanish irregular present tense (C-CZ)

Among the different kinds of Spanish irregular present tense, the one that we are going to study in this free grammar exercise may be the easiest. […]
December 13, 2016

La Maliciosa al atardecer

La maliciosa, una de las montañas más altas e importantes de la sierra de Guadarrama, nos muestra su superficie nevada al atardecer. La Montaña Maldita, que […]
December 12, 2016
Spanish courses gift

Spanish courses gift

When Christmass comes one does not always know what to give their beloved ones as a present. Socks and ties are ok, but for that language […]