The Spanish Forum

April 30, 2018
spanish class debate useful vocabulary for spanish class debate

Spanish class debate

We hope you found this teaching activity useful for your Spanish class debate. The students in our Spanish courses in Madrid consistently tell us how practical the […]
April 27, 2018
basic differences between ser and estar in Spanish

Ser / Estar (basic differences)

April 25, 2018

Estar por / Estar para + Infinitive

Autora: Pilar González Manjavacas In our Spanish classes in Madrid, we teachers frequently find that we need to explain the difference between two similar but different […]
April 22, 2018
spanish accentuation quiz to practice accent mark rules in Spanish spanish lessons free grammar exercises practice accent mark

Spanish accentuation quiz

During these last days we have been practicing the accent mark rules in Spanish, which, as you have seen, are much simpler than it may have […]
April 20, 2018
Spanish accent rules esdrújula practice the accent mark in spanish for free

Spanish accent rules (III): Palabras esdrújulas

Do you want to keep practicing the Spanish accent rules? This free grammar exercise brings you more exercises to practice this tricky part of the Spanish writing system. […]
April 18, 2018
spanish accent mark rules free grammar exercise accent mark in spanish practice spanish lessons for free

Spanish accent mark rules (II): Palabras llanas

This grammar exercise will help you practice the Spanish accent mark rules. Accent marks are confusing to many students, who do not know where to place an […]
April 16, 2018
accent mark rules in Spanish spanish lessons free grammar exercises

Accent marks rules in Spanish (I): Palabras agudas

This grammar exercise, which is a perfect complement to our Spanish grammar book, will help you practice the accent mark rules in Spanish. Accent marks are […]
March 28, 2018
holy week in madrid semana santa madrid spanish courses in madrid spanish school in madrid

The Holy Week in Madrid

Many of the students that come to take our Spanish courses in Madrid during Easter do not know that they will find one of the most […]
February 15, 2018

Otra perspectiva de Madrid

La ciudad de Madrid fotografíada a 25 kilómetros de distancia. En el horizonte destacan los cuatro rascacielos más altos de la ciudad y de España.  Los cuatro […]
February 1, 2018
private Spanish lessons or in a group

Private Spanish lessons or in a group?

A question many of our students ask us before starting their Spanish courses in Madrid is: which course will be better for me? A Spanish course […]
January 2, 2018
How to stick to your Spanish learning New Year’s Resolution learn Spanish Spanish courses in Madrid

How to stick to your Spanish learning New Year’s Resolution

Have you already set your New Year’s resolutions? Is learning Spanish one of them? Then this article is vital for you, as we will explain you […]
December 26, 2017
reasons to love the Spanish language spanish courses learn Spanish

Reasons to love the Spanish language

The end of the year is an exceptional occasion to reflect on our achievements, our current situation, and our future goals. 2017 has been an excellent […]
December 14, 2017
medical spanish phrases health spanish expressions estar como una rosa, estar sano como una manzana, estar como un roble, tener una salud de hierro

Medical Spanish phrases Spaniards use every day

There is an old popular song in Spanish that says: “There are only three things in life: health, money, and love”. The composer of the song […]
November 19, 2017
how coffee can help you study spanish

How coffee can help you study Spanish

Many students use coffee to help them stay awake while preparing their exams and term papers. Caffeine is a  stimulating substance that gives us the boost […]
October 20, 2017
palacio de cristal de Madrid

El Palacio de Cristal de Madrid

El Palacio de Cristal es uno de los mejores ejemplos de la llamada arquitectura del hierro en Madrid. Fue levantada en 1887. Es una estructura de […]
October 13, 2017
Detalle de la verja del Palacio Real de Madrid.Verja = wrought-iron gate.

Detalle de la verja del Palacio Real

La verja* que veis en la fotografía divide la plaza que comparten el Palacio Real de Madrid y la Catedral de la Almudena. Otros sinónimos de […]
October 11, 2017
verbos reflexivos en español reflective verbs in spanish free spanish lesson

Verbos reflexivos

October 9, 2017
Spanish for adults learn Spanish spanish courses for adults

Best strategies to learn Spanish for adults

There are several reasons why mature people may decide to resume their studies. Some of them need to refresh or widen their knowledge for work purposes, […]
October 7, 2017
use of the gerund and infinitive in Spanish gerundio e infinitivo en español

Usos del gerundio y del infinitivo

October 3, 2017
use o

Este, ese y aquel (en la puerta del Sol de Madrid)