Spanish accent rules esdrújula practice the accent mark in spanish for free
Spanish accent rules (III): Palabras esdrújulas
April 20, 2018
Estar por / Estar para + Infinitive
April 25, 2018
Spanish accent rules esdrújula practice the accent mark in spanish for free
Spanish accent rules (III): Palabras esdrújulas
April 20, 2018
Estar por / Estar para + Infinitive
April 25, 2018

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Spanish accentuation quiz
(author: Lola González)

During these last days we have been practicing the accent mark rules in Spanish, which, as you have seen, are much simpler than it may have seemed: You just need to classify the word in one of the three groups according to the position of the stressed syllable (aguda, llana, or esdrújula, depending on whether the stressed syllable is the last, next-to-last or second-to-last), and then you have to take a look to the last letter of the word, to know if it carries an accent mark or not. If you got this, this Spanish accentuation quiz will be perfect for you!

This time you will find two exercises. The first one shows several words, and you have to decide whether you should write an accent mark on them or not, and where it should be placed. The second exercise of the Spanish accentuation quiz brings you some sentences written in Spanish where the accent mark has not been added. Your role is to find out which ones must carry an accent mark and to decide where to write it.

If you have been paying attention to our last posts on Spanish accent mark rules, it will be super easy for you to correctly complete this Spanish accentuation quiz. If you need an extra explanation, you can always refer to our Spanish grammar book, which explains Spanish grammar in easy and visual schemes. Remember: pay attention to the sound of the word, as the position of the stressed syllable will tell you everything you need to know to place the Spanish accent mark in a word.

Our students in our Spanish classes in Madrid have a lot of fun practicing with this Spanish accentuation quiz, and some of them even make competitions outside the classroom to see who can place the accents faster and with more correction. This is just a suggestion, but there are infinite possibilities to practice. The key is to have fun!

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Spanish accentuation quiz
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