Las fruterías madrileñas exponen su género en plena calle
March 8, 2017
Entrada a Madrid por la Carretera de La Coruña
March 11, 2017Usa el enlace a continuación para descargar el pdf con este ejercicio de gramática.
Possessive pronouns in Spanish are used to express possession or ownership, and they replace a noun and a possessive adjective that have been previously mentioned. They are like any other pronoun in Spanish, so possessive pronouns must match the nouns they replace in gender and number.
As we explained in our article about possessive adjectives in Spanish, the possessive adjective comes in two forms: the short one (which comes before the noun), and the long one (which comes after the noun). The possessive pronouns in Spanish are the same as the long form of the possessive adjective. In the following table, you can see how these different possessive pronouns are formed.
Person | Singular | Plural | ||
masculine | feminine | masculine | feminine | |
1st person singular | mío | mía | míos | mías |
2nd person singular | tuyo | tuya | tuyos | tuyas |
3rd person singular | suyo | suya | suyos | suyas |
1st person plural | nuestro | nuestra | nuestros | nuestras |
2nd person plural | vuestro | vuestra | vuestros | vuestras |
3rd person plural | suyo | suya | suyos | suyas |
As you can see, the same pronoun takes different endings depending on the gender and number of the noun they replace. So, for example, if you are asked “¿de quién es este libro?” you should answer “Es mío” (=”Es mi libro”), but if the question is “¿de quién son estas zapatillas?”, the answer should be “Son mías” (=”Son mis zapatillas”). And, of course, if the question is “¿de quién son estos libros?” or “¿de quién es esta zapatilla?”, the answer should be “son míos” and “es mía“, respectively.
Now, you can download this grammar exercise, which you can use to complement your Spanish courses in Madrid. Practice the use of possessive pronouns in Spanish, and you will soon find how easy it is to understand them and use them. And, remember, if you are looking for more training, visit our Spanish school in Madrid.