Subjuntivo: verbos de voluntad e influencia
May 24, 2017
Amanecer sobre el Mediterráneo
May 26, 2017

Advantages of learning a new language

advantages of learning a new language in Spain

Why should you learn a new language? Here in Tilde Madrid, we have seen so many students improving their lives when they learned Spanish in our Spanish school in Madrid that the answer to that question seems obvious. However, there are people around there that think that learning a new language is a waste of time, so we have created this post to try to change their minds.

Visiting new countries, improving employment opportunities, keeping your brain cells active, having fun… There are many reasons why learning a new language will make your life better. We have selected the four biggest advantages of learning a new language:

Knowing a new language is an asset

Needless to say, knowing more languages opens to you new and better job opportunities. Not only does it make you available to work with international employers or customers, but it also shows that you are a proactive person ready to successfully face new learning challenges. If for example, your CV says that you speak Spanish after having taken Spanish courses in Madrid, you are telling your potential employers or customers that you were able to cope with living in a foreign country while making the huge accomplishment of learning a new language, and that is quite impressive, isn’t it?

It is a great training for your brain

Learning a new language is a great way of training your brain. Speaking in a new language forces your ideas to find new ways to express themselves, and that improves your performance in other fields of your life (it improves memory, reaction times, creativity…). No matter how deep you know your own language: if you only speak one language, your brain can become a bit lazy when it comes to facing new situations. A new language forces you out of your comfort zone and keeps it active and fit. It is like going to the gym, but more fun!

Expand your world

Can you find a better way to know new different people and parts of the world than learning a new language? It is the perfect ice breaker to access new people that otherwise you would not be able to speak to, and it is a great excuse to travel abroad and discover new countries! Besides, a new language gives you a new framework to analyze the world, so you will be better prepared to understand other ways of thinking and acting.

The most exhaustive way of expanding your world while learning a language is going to the country where that language is spoken. Of course, you can always take online Spanish courses from your own home and still achieve a fluent level in the language, but wouldn’t you prefer to visit Spain and experience a full cultural immersion in the country?

The more languages you learn, the easier it gets

The most wonderful thing about learning a new language is that it can be difficult at the beginning, but as time goes by it gets easier and easier. Once you have learned a new language, you are equipped with the tools, experience, and shortcuts to undertake the challenge of achieving a new one. You will soon discover that your capacity and learning speed have increased, and that this new road is both challenging and pleasurable. Not to mention that learning languages is addictive!


What about you? What are the main improvements you have found when learning a new language?


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